

MellowPlayer can be extended by writing a streaming service integration plugin.

A streaming service integration plugin is just a directoy that contains some specific files:

  • integration.js: the actual code that integrates the service into MellowPlayer
  • logo.svg: the logo of the service
  • metadata.ini: plugin’s metadata
  • theme.json: optional theme definition. The colors defined in this file are used through the whole user interface if theme is set to adaptive.

The file integration.js contains a series of function that you must implement. Those functions will get called by the C++ application for updating the player state or when the user triggered an action (play, pause,…).

MellowPlayer will look for plugins in the following directories:

  • /usr/share/mellowplayer/plugins
  • /usr/local/share/mellowplayer/plugins
  • ~/.local/share/MellowPlayer/plugins

Create a new plugin

This feature does not exists anymore in v2.95.0, we will be back for v3.0.0

To create a plugin, go to the Control drop down menu or the Developer main menu and click on Create plugin.

This will bring the following wizard:


Fill in the details:


When you’re done, select your new plugin service in the services dialog that will automatically pop out:


Specify the supported platforms

When you create the plugin, you need to specify the list of supported platforms. Services that require proprietary codecs to work are not supported on AppImage, Windows and OSX.

If you are developing on GNU/Linux and want to know if you plugin will work everywhere, try it from an official AppImage release. If it works, you can safely check All platforms, otherwise it might only work as a native package from a GNU/Linux distribution.

Functions to implement

Here is a brief description of the functions you need to implement in order to integrate a new web-based streaming service.


This function is called regularly to update the player information.

You must return a dictionnary with the following keys:

  • playbackStatus (int): Use MellowPlayer.PlaybackStatus)*. Mandatory
  • canSeek (bool): True if the player can seek into the current song.
  • canGoNext (bool): True if the player can skip to the next song.
  • canGoPrevious (bool): True if the playe can skip to the previous song.
  • canAddToFavorites (bool): True if the user can add or remove the current song from a list of favorites
  • volume (float [0-1]): Player volume. Optional, leave it 1 if your plugin cannot control the volume.
  • songId (str): The unique id of the current song. Mandatory. Either use a GUID or hash the song title if no id is available.
  • songTitle (str): The title of the current song. Mandatory
  • artistName (str): The name of the artist of the current. Optional.
  • albumTitle (str): The name of the album of the current song. Optional.
  • artUrl (str): The current song art url.
  • isFavorite (bool): True if the song is in the list of the user’s favorite songs. Optional.
  • duration (int [seconds]): The duration of the song, in seconds. Optional (but nice).
  • position (int [seconds]): The position (or elapsed time) of the song, in seconds. Optional (but nice).


Starts playback.


Pauses playback.


Skips to next song.


Skips to previous song.


Sets the player’s volume.

volume is a float in the range [0-1].


Adds song to favorites.


Removes song from favorites.


Seeks to the specified position.

position is an int representing the new position inside the song (in seconds).


MellowPlayer will inject a few constants that you can use for representing the current PlaybackStatus:

  • MellowPlayer.PlaybackStatus.STOPPED: indicates that the playback has stopped.
  • MellowPlayer.PlaybackStatus.PAUSED: indicates that the playback has paused.
  • MellowPlayer.PlaybackStatus.BUFFERING: indicates that the a song is buffering.
  • MellowPlayer.PlaybackStatus.PLAYING: indicates that the a song is currently playing.

Utility functions

  • function getHashCode(string): returns the hash code of the specified string. You can use this to generate the song id if none is available via the web streaming service API.
  • toSeconds(string) converts a time string (HH:mm:ss) to a number of seconds.